Monday, February 16, 2009

The Angel Oak

I figured since it has been such a long time since I updated the blog that I would spend the majority of the day doing so.
This is The Angel Oak and photos do NOT do this amazing tree justice! Wow is all I can say!!!

1 comment:

Jack Gescheidt said...

Dear Heather,

Photographer Jack Gescheidt here, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I came across your blog post about the Angel Oak (AO) and thought, since you obviously are drawn to her too, you should know she is in jeopardy and could use your help:

The Angel Oak is currently threatened by a multi-acre 600-housing unit development. While developers claim they won't cut down the Angel Oak itself, they WILL clear cut thousands of trees and hundreds of acres of the surrounding buffer forest and filling in a wetlands that supports wildlife. They do not even mention this in their plans, but instead say only that they won’t kill the Angel Oak.” They either don’t understand or won’t admit, that the surrounding forest has for centuries protected the magnificent Angel Oak from weather and too much human attention (climbing, graffiti, fire risk, et. al.) It is not just a solitary living organism, but also an integral part of an ecosystem now facing this major threat,

The massive development will inevitably, eventually, lead to the death of the Angel Oak tree, be it in years or decades is impossible to predict.

A website with more information about this disaster in the works has been set up by locals:

Visit it, sign up for email updates, sign the petition, and help preserve the Angel Oak Tree—and the surrounding forest it is a part of—for many more human generations.


Jack Gescheidt
Founder, The TreeSpirit Project